Hackney Council have served planning enforcement notices against the 
Antepavilion structures HVAC, 2017, and Potemkin Theatre, 2019. 

They claim that the installations don't respect the architectural quality of the 1960s warehouse of Columbia Wharf and have branded them "unacceptable in terms of their size, location and design," but they don't have anyone else on their side. The overwhelming response of local people is that they're  a positive contribution to the surroundings, adding an architectural quality and texture to the humble, utilitarian Hoxton Docks.

We're calling for your support against Hackney Council through the planning appeal process.

The legal documents and correspondence below offer a comprehensive overview of the workings of the Council in its determined attack on Antepavilion. As there is overwhelming public support for our work, their motivation is a matter of speculation. So is the question of who specifically within the Council is driving it. Currently they are withholding that information - contrary to their duties under the Freedom of Information Act. Similarly, they are refusing to reveal how much Council money they have spent on continuing their legal actions.







20th August 2020

20th August 2020

20th August 2020

20th August 2020

20th August 2020

20th August 2020

Full collection of documents regarding Hackney's emergency interim injunction against Antepavilion's installations without notice to Antepavilion.

Hackney's submission to the Court seeking an injunction against Antepavilion's installations.

Further details of Hackney's claim against Antepavilion, citing a Guardian interview in which Russell Gray was misquoted as supporting evidence.

Hackney's Planning Enforcement Team Leader's statement on why the Council sought an emergency injunction, also citing the misquotes published by the Guardian to support its claim.

Full details of Hackney's claims to the Court seeking the interim injunction against Antepavilion, preventing the display of art installations over the entire site. A use which has been ongoing for over 20 years and is well known to the Council.

Court order approving Hackney's application for an interim injunction against Antepavilion's installations, handed down without any notice to Antepavilion.


28th August 2020

28th August 2020

28th August 2020

28th August 2020

20th August 2020

27th August 2020

28th August 2020

Dated 25th August 2020
Served 28th August 2020

18th September 2020

14th October 2020

Full collection of documents for the reconsideration hearing of LB Hackney's attempts to secure a permanent injunction.

The legal argument advanced by LB Hackney for pursuing a permanent injunction against Antepavilion's installations. 

Full details of the legal challenge put forward by Antepavilion against the injunction and in defence of art installations at the Hoxton Docks site.

A collection of evidence used by Antepavilion in its defence to LB Hackney's injunction threat including the history of the art installations over a 20 year period, as well as LB Hackney's historic aggressive approach towards Antepavilion and attempts to seize control of the Hoxton Docks site.

Following the judgment of Mr. Justice Johnson earlier the same day, Hackney's Planning Enforcement Team Leader's statement detailing his visit to Hoxton Docks to serve the injunction notice on Antepavilion.

Statement on behalf of LB Hackney in support of its attempt to gain a permanent injunction against Antepavilion.

Another statement on behalf of LB Hackney, detailing planning application history on the Hoxton Docks site.

Yet another statement on behalf of LB Hackney, which is a duplicate of the fourth witness statement, detailing planning application history of the site.

Judgment of Mr. Justice Murray discharging original injunction and granting new injunction against Sharks! alone.

Order of Mr. Justice Murray discharging original injunction and granting new injunction against Sharks! alone.






13th August 2020

27th August 2020

Dated 28th August 2020
Served 29th August 2020

8th October 2020

10th October 2020

6th November 2020

18th November 2020

Report on behalf of LB Hackney recommending seeking High Court action, including an injunction and Temporary Stop Notice to restrain "unlawful development" at the Hoxton Docks site. 

A second report on behalf of LB Hackney recommending that a Stop Notice and Enforcement Notice be issued against Antepavilion.

Order to stop display of all art installations at the Hoxton Docks site, which had been ongoing for 20 years.

Antepavilion's application to the Court for LB Hackney's decision to issue the Stop Notice and refusal to withdraw it to undergo a Judicial Review.

Legal argument in support of Antepavilion's application for Judicial Review.

Statement of Antepavilion in defence of installations at Hoxton Docks and seeking a Judicial Review of LB Hackney's Stop Notice.

LB Hackney's response, opposing Antepavilion's application for a Judicial Review of the Stop Notice. 

Antepavilion's reply, highlighting that LB Hackney have not provided a lawful defence for their actions. 

Judgment permitting a Judicial Review into LB Hackney's Stop Notice against Antepavilion.







23rd October 2019

7th January 2020

28th August 2020

24th September 2020

30th September 2020

LB Hackney's 2019 Enforcement Notice, opposing the rooftop structures at the Hoxton Docks site and demanding they be taken down.

Antepavilion's response to LB Hackney's Planning Enforcement Notice, detailing that Antepavilion has always acted lawfully and pointing out contradictions in LB Hackney's position.

LB Hackney's 2020 Enforcement Notice, opposing the rooftop structures and installations at the Hoxton Docks site.

Antepavilion's appeal against action taken by LB Hackney to stop display of art installations, detailing that there had been no breach of planning control by Antepavilion.

Details of Antepavilion reasons for seeking an appeal against the enforcement notice served by LB Hackney.


In August 2020, Russell Gray provided an interview with The Guardian, conducted by journalist Oliver Wainwright, regarding Sharks! and previous battles with Hackney Council. Mr. Gray was misquoted in this interview, which were a wilful and defamatory misrepresentation of Mr. Gray's position. Those misquotations have since been used in Court by LB Hackney as supporting evidence in their claim for an injunction against the installation.

Numerous requests have been made to The Guardian for the full recording of the interview, which would show clearly where Mr. Gray was misquoted and undo many of LB Hackney's claims that have used these statements to support their cause. Along with the full audio recording which, Antepavilion demands a right of reply to the retraction and apology be printed by The Guardian on the same platforms, with equal prominence given to them as to the initial interview.

The Guardian's continued refusal to release the recording have left Antepavilion with no choice but to file an official complaint to the ICO.





19th August 2020 to 29th October 2020

17th November 2020

The full collection of correspondence between Antepavilion and The Guardian, including subject access request for information on Antepavilion held by The Guardian.

Full details of the complaint made to the ICO, following The Guardian's continued refusal to send the original recording of the interview.


Antepavilion have been corresponding with the Canal and River Trust since February in regards to the ongoing issues with LB Hackney. Throughout this time, they have proved unwilling to discuss the matters at hand and unable to deal with them, instead choosing to hide behind LB Hackney. 


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